Saturday, July 23, 2005


So what you're telling me then is that I'm old?

All right. Ok. I think I can wrap my mind around that.

Yep. Old. Thirty. I know it's true because that's what my profile says. I see it right there on the screen, in print.


I don't care much because today is DAY 6 of my new positive me. I have to tell you, I am doing well with it. I am not just saying that to come off good or make myself feel better. Less complaining, no depressing thoughts, more looking at what's good in life. Happiness abounds in my house and in my mind. I am working to keep it that way too.

Hey now, c'mon, jump on the Happy Train with me. It will be fun. I have no idea where the hell it's going, but you can come along. I promise good times (I really have no way of promising anything, but it sounds nice and adds a whole new level to the sales pitch).

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