Friday, April 08, 2005

No More Drinks on the Open Road

Headline: Montana set to outlaw drinking while driving

Excuse me? Did I read that correctly? Yep, sure did. The Montana legislature is just now taking steps to outlaw open containers for drivers on their highways. Seems certain cities and towns banned it in the city limits, but out on the old two-lanes it's been fine to haul along a six pack, a fifth and a couple of wine coolers. Hmmmm. Ok. Just kind of working this around in the mind here. I think . . . I know . . . these people are stupid (as many people are).

A few of my family members actually live in the great state - you know, Big Sky Country. I don't believe any of them have taken advantage of the freedom to throw back a few while behind the wheel. Apparently some of the militia-men have made sure this "personal freedom" has not been attacked. They put their rifles in the rifle rack, stock the coolers on the floorboards of their pick-up trucks and head out for a drink . . . and probably a hunt for deer, elk, prairie dogs or some such creature.

Well, I am sad to report those frolicking days are over for Montana-ites. So darn sad. I guess they'll just have to drink in the bars or their homes or something. I wonder if they'll need to close the drive-thru liquor stores now. Less business, I suppose.

Ok, Mississippi, your turn to ban drinks in the car (the last state holding out for this God-given American right).

I have to thank those diligent lawmakers in Montana. Way to go (good ol') boys.

Now, I am done.

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