Monday, April 11, 2005

The Inner-Workings of the Mind

Not THE MIND, in general, but the female mind. I have to wonder why the female mind (my mind) works as it does. Ok, well, I suppose the basic biology course taught me that - hormones and all that other crap.

NEW SUBJECT: Music. I stopped off at the local record store on the way home from work today. It made me feel old because it was full of a few teenagers and this trashy, tattooed, blonde woman who kept talking to her offspring on the telephone loud enough for all music-lovers to hear. I gather they're having spaghetti and garlic bread for supper but no salad. Jimmy doesn't like that, so no salad.

I did buy some CDs while I listened to the woman make dinner plans for the 8 occupants of her mobile home (stereotyping, I know - but I like to do it from time to time). I decided a little punk (Social D) and some 80s was in order. I kid you not, I bought the Vision Quest soundtrack, the Stand By Me soundtrack and wanted Outfield Play Deep. They didn't have that in stock. Jerks. Guess I am feeling like tripping down old memory lane with those choices. Lots of distant memories there. All right, so I have now confirmed that I am old. I have just under 4 months left in my 20s. Where exactly did the time go?

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