Tuesday, May 31, 2005

From One Extreme to Another

Right now I am at the beginning of an eight week vacation. I have lists of summer to-dos. The house is dirty. Dust bunnies run rampant on the tile, multiplying as quickly as all bunnies do.

I have completed the worst teaching year yet (even worse than the first year). I have gone from beyond busy to obligation-free. I have nowhere to be, no alarm clock to wake me up, no meetings to attend, no classes to teach. It feels good, damn good.

You're wondering what the problem is. With me, as you well know, some negative must exist within this disguised bliss. So true. The negative is now I am lazy. I feel like doing nothing. I did do the dishes, but I have yet to clean the bathroom, vacuum the floor, tidy up the kitchen countertops, etc. The bad part of this is that 1) I feel guilty for the laziness (thank you, Mom), 2) This is a pattern I know too well that leads me into a mode minus motivation (love that alliteration).

I guess I could get off my ass and go do something. Instead, I plan on finishing this post, wasting a few more minutes online then going to watch Days of Our Lives. Yes, it's awful. I know that. Regardless, I am going to watch it. I might as well feed the guilt with a guilty pleasure.

I suppose I will milk this laziness until I absolutely can't stand myself anymore. Then I will go on a cleaning spree and start tackling items on that list of mine. Until then, I recommend you all get a beverage, hit the couch and flip on the tv. Join me. We'll have good times.

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