Saturday, June 04, 2005

Woman You Say?

Time away from the home front does wonders. I was able to get out of the house a couple times in the last few days and that truly improved my patience factor. I am happy to report that we are now on day two of peeing in the toilet and wearing panties. She has only had two carpet accidents (even though the house is over half tile) as of yesterday and none today. That, my friends, is good news.

I spent a large chunk of time and over $100 at the bookstore the other night. I love bookstores. I know not all people get as excited as I do about books, but I can't even tell you how much I anticipate and cherish looking through the titles on the shelves. I picked up a few I was looking for and stumbled upon David Sedaris' Naked. His sense of humor really fits what I think is funny, so I have actually found myself laughing out loud while reading his essays. So good.

I also spent over 2-1/2 hours at the hair stylist yesterday. I was growing my hair long but got tired of it, so I had her cut it short again. It's probably been over a year since I had my hair this short. Certainly it's due to the impending 3-0 that I looked in the mirror and decided I looked old. I have never, ever cared about my age or if shorter hair makes me look older, all that crap. Now, damned if I am concerned about the prospect of hitting 30 and being older. I don't feel like a woman. Even saying the words seems ridiculous. I call my friends girls. Referring to them or me as ladies or women is laughable.

When do I reach the stage where I no longer feel like a girl? Maybe it's the day after 30. I suppose I will find out soon enough - a month and a half to go in the twenties.

1 comment:

Bat said...

I know it's apples and oranges, but I didn't actually start to feel like I was getting older until my 31st b-day. I dunno, it seemed all downhill from there. I have yet to see any evidence to prove otherwise.